American Muscle Cars on the Murray... Someone has got to think of an acronym for that, AMCM? Works for me! AMCM is a Tri-club meeting combining American Muscle Car Club, American Car Club ACT and the 60's Muscle Car Club of Victoria, with People travelling from Sydney, Melbourne and everywhere in between.
On Saturday the group did an observation run out to Bellbridge, then did the Granya gap road loop then headed back into town. The locals know this as our "nasho park run", a perfect piece of road for spirited drives though some beautiful undulating curves that's not too far from home.
On Sunday a more laid back approach is taken, with a Show and Shine in QE2 Square Albury.
Murray Art Museum Albury (MAMA) provides a nice and somewhat ironic background at times.
The central location of the show allows people that might not normally attend car shows to take in the hard work that has been put into these cars.